Tuesday, March 20, 2007

When Hell Freezes Over

For years, and with every successive generation, consumer goods goliath Proctor and Gamble has defended’ again and again, against allegations that their Tarot-styled corporate logo had satanic ties and that P&G profits were finding their way to satanic cults and other nefarious organizations. And the SEC thought Sarbanes Oxley was hard to police…

Well, in a recent and thoroughly excusable case of Goliath going against David, the consumer products giant recently won a $12.5 million judgement against several Amway distributors who, using outbound auto-diallers, used the rumor to bolster their own sales of detergents.

12.5 million dollars may not be big potatoes to Proctor and Gamble, but it is nice to know that a company of that size and bureaucracy tracks and prosecutes attacks on its brand instead of simply downplaying the impact of malicious attacks on their reputation.

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