Sunday, December 19, 2010

Top 10 Branding Miscues of 2010... and three more.

Advertising Age magazine, a leading trade publication for the industry, recently published their list of the top 10 marketing and branding miscues of 2010.

Surprisingly, this little bit of breezy popcorn journalism skipped what would have been my #1: The BP Gulf disasater. A bigger marketing disaster would be hard to fathom, as retail gas outlets were boycotted and the PR got worse and worse.

My #2 missed the list too; the inability to 'sell' Obamacare to the American public by the administration. Politics aside, for a man who was elected to 'change', I've seen little of it, particularly given a democratic congress and, in Pelosi, a house speaker able to deflect slings and arrows.

My #3 missed as well... the tarring the TSA was unable to adequately address. There is no depth to the philosophy behnd the mission of the TSA... just a shallow defense that whatever they do must be right because there have been 'no successful domestic attacks' since 2001. That's a weak foundation that will crumble when something, inevitably perhaps, does slip through the cracks.

What are your ideas of the worst marketing and branding miscues of 2010?
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