Wednesday, October 19, 2011

It's good. Really good. It's TOO good.

Dear Nancy Brinker:

I'm a fan. What you've done for research is amazing. No one is a bigger supporter of the cause than I am. My mother herself was a victim of breast cancer so I say this with love, respect, and admiration:

Consider me 'aware'. I'm full of 'awareness'. I'm up to my eyeballs in 'awareness'. But like a pop song heard too many times, the pink thing has gone from helpfully ubiquitous to having the effect of the vandalism you'd expect from a Barbie-obsessed eight year old girl. It's too much of a good thing.

Your marketing - specifically, your brand communication - urgently needs a refresher because I can't be alone when I say I'm starting to tune it out like I do omnipresent graffiti in Queens.

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Monday, October 17, 2011


For years retailers have been trying to get a jump on the others for the first to the rafters with wreaths and red elves. This year, this sign at Nordstroms has been making the rounds of social media to great response.

Interpreting customer sentiment and positioning yourself uniquely as the 'anti-', as branding experts would say. The anti-Christmas retailer.

Well done, Nordstroms. You're all on Santa's good list this year.
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