Wednesday, May 01, 2013

What are your 'real' priorities? A simple test.

First Things First

One of the most difficult questions we answer to ourselves are 'what are our priorities?'.

To be clear, that's not, 'what do you say your priorities are', but what they really are. That's the hard part.

To determine how well your stated priorities align with your actual priorities, try this trick: Next time you say to yourself, "I don't have time to... (activity)", change 'time' to 'priority', by saying instead "It's not a priority to me that I..."

It's revealing. And in some cases, disappointing. It quickly reveals the real priorities we've set for ourselves.

Because when the average American spends hours in front of the television every day, its easy to allow time to slip away unnoticed. But time is a finite resource that must be placed into a triage - and that simple change in wording will help you determine if you truly do not have time, or you simply have other priorities.

Next time you miss the kids' school play or ballgame, skip studying a new language, or stay in instead of going for a run, is it really a lack of time, or simply not, truly, a priority for you?


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