Thursday, June 06, 2013

Why marketers owe a debt of gratitude to IT

In this Forbes article by Eric Lai of SAP, Lai addresses a recent report from Gartner that predicts marketers will outspend CIOs in just a few more years.

marketing automation and big dataAs I've been saying for years, marketing is far broader than marketing communications, the role with which it is often wrongfully equivocated as marketers become increasingly reliant on data to drive decision-making .

Today Mr. Wanamaker would know which half of his advertising is wasted because today's Wanamakers have professional, data driven marketers fine tuning lead generation, demand generation, lead nurturing, campaign analysis, social media automation, mobile marketing, and so forth.

It's the thing of science, not art, and marketing is increasingly the purveyor of both, making marketing a 'real job' in the eyes of executives and mothers-in-law alike.